Praise Report

Kept Safe Through Appendicitis Complication

For six weeks, I experienced great pain in my abdomen. Doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me and assumed I had strained myself carrying my heavy schoolbag. But I knew something was really wrong.

One day, I switched on the television and saw Pastor Joseph Prince’s broadcast. He spoke about God’s healing. I went into my room, shut the door behind me, and cried out to the only One whom I knew could heal me. I said, “Jesus, You know my body because You made it. You bore all my sins and sickness on that cross, and because of You, I WILL live. Let the doctors find out what is wrong with me and by Your grace it shall be fixed.”

The next day, my mom had to carry me to a doctor. I underwent an ultrasound the next day and they found that my appendix had been leaking for a couple of weeks. Most people would have gotten severely ill, but I was still able to go to school.

Only Jesus could have kept me through all of that and He answered my prayer for deliverance. I was rushed into surgery and while I was in the hospital, I could feel the presence of God with me. After the surgery, I recovered well and since then (I was sixteen at that time), I have devoted my life wholly to Jesus.

I’m now a healthy twenty-year-old lady and am a worship leader in my church. Pastor Prince, your faithfulness to Jesus has inspired many people and I am one of them. To God be the glory!

Trinidad and Tobago
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