Praise Report

Learning About God’s Grace, Declared Cancer Free

I was diagnosed with early stage breast and cervical cancer in August 2013. But I didn’t fret, nor was I troubled or worried. I thought that since I’m a faithful believer who reads my Bible and attends church regularly, there must be some reason God wanted me to have this sickness.

However, when I stumbled across Joseph Prince Ministries, my eyes were opened to God’s grace. I learned from Pastor Prince that sickness does not come from God and He has no part in it. Through his teachings, I realized I was under the old covenant of law, believing that my illness was a punishment for my sin. I had been believing wrong all this time!

I had never heard grace preached but only the need to keep God’s law. I realized the sermons I’d heard were not about Jesus and the grace that came through His atonement. In just one television series of Pastor Prince’s messages, I have learned more than I had in my lifetime. Pastor Prince showed me how God has nailed the law to the cross of Jesus and how Jesus bore all my sins on my behalf, effectively cleansing me of every sin. Jesus’ death has fulfilled the requirements of God’s law and created the new covenant of grace.

After that revelation, I began taking the Holy Communion daily from November 2013 to the first day of 2014. I also confessed 1 John 4:17—“As Jesus is, so am I in this world”—and 2 Corinthians 5:21—“I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” I trusted Jesus for His sacrifice, believing I am healed and my body is healthy. In the latter part of January, I had an operation and I was declared 100 percent cancer free! I didn’t have to go through any chemotherapy or radiation!

As I continued to watch Pastor Prince’s program, I continued to grow with more understanding. I now believe more thoroughly in God’s Word and the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ. God didn’t just cure my illness—I have also been released from so much anguish, guilt, fear, condemnation, and misunderstanding of the gospel. I’m now living with a new freedom and boldness in the truth about God and what He says about me. Hallelujah!

I thank our heavenly Father for Joseph Prince Ministries and pray that this ministry continues to be an instrument to set people free!

Katrina Baker
Mississippi, United States
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