Praise Report

Life Transformed After Learning About Grace

Pastor Prince, let me begin by saying that I love you and your ministry. The Lord has used you to shape and mature me. I started listening to your messages more than a year ago and I have been transformed!

I suffered from acute sinusitis for eight years. I used to miss classes in high school due to the headaches and nasal discomforts that resulted from the condition. After understanding that I should not pray for healing but pray from a position of healing, I was healed! I have been freed of the condition for months now and I no longer use painkillers or nasal sprays.

I also used to be very shy and could not speak in any crowd. But when I heard you share your experience, I knew I could also speak in front of people. I listened to you speak about having confidence in God instead of self, and so I instructed my body to get its confidence from God and not my own abilities.

As a result, I became bolder in Christ. I have even preached in my local church and shared the grace of God in many other places! I have also created a blog to share God’s amazing love in my community. Thanks be to Jesus Christ!

In addition, I shared the the gospel with my brother, who was unable to get a stable job after graduating for three years. I am so grateful to say that in just under a month of my sharing with him, he now has a job as a manager!

I can continue sharing about how listening to the gospel you preach has transformed me and the people around me. May the Lord continue to bless you!

Samuel Macharia
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