Praise Report

Life Transformed After Reading <em>100 Days Of Favor</em>

It took me more than 100 days to read, meditate and study this book, but in the end, I made it through and I am a changed person, by God’s grace alone!

I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was very young and grew up with the Bible in a very stable home. I must admit however, that I didn’t know the extent of Gods’ grace for me. I couldn’t understand why, as a Christian trying to do the right things, nothing had worked out for me.

I was depressed and unhappy, and the more I tried to portray my good qualities, the more all of my bad qualities surfaced. And the more I prayed and tried, the worse things in my life continued to fall apart. The only thing that stared me in the face was my sin and most of the time I felt guilty and afraid. Looking back, I must admit a complete absence of total trust in God.

By the grace of God, after a series of bad events in my life, I started in 2011 to meditate daily on God’s Word, although that turned out to be quite a struggle in the beginning. I can’t remember clearly how I got hold of 100 Days Of Favor but as soon as I started with the book, I began to change.

I realized that I didn’t comprehend the full extent of the new covenant in the past 30 years and was constantly trying to live my life under the old covenant—depending on myself to live under the law.

Today, I believe that I am a righteous person through Jesus Christ and that all my sins of the past, present and future are forgiven. God sees me through Jesus’ perfect offering and nothing I do can change this complete love that He has for me. I have seen the results and now know that I am highly favored, greatly blessed and deeply loved. Praise God that I, Yolandé Terblanche, am His child that He loves the most!

I have a burning fire in me that I want to share with others and decided that this book will be the birthday gift for all the important people in my life during 2012. I pray that they will truly experience God’s favor in their lives as well. May God let 100 Days Of Favor be a blessing to millions of people around the world. God bless!

Yolandé Terblanche
South Africa
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