Praise Report

Life Transformed And Blessed With New Career

Before Jesus came into my life, I was living a hedonistic lifestyle and even worked in the sex industry. I partied hard and did crazy things to “live life to the fullest.” However, I felt unhappy.

I turned to counseling, self-help books, and whatever else I could think of. I prayed in my own way but I never went to church for help nor turned to Jesus. I didn’t think He could love someone like me. I was looking for happiness but I kept looking for it within myself. Eventually, I reached a stage where I was in such a mess and my whole life was falling apart.

One day, when I was feeling suicidal and at the end of my rope, the Lord reached out to me. Since then, I’ve been experiencing His love, mercy, grace, and total forgiveness. Despite my past, I feel like a brand-new person, a new creation in Christ. And whenever the enemy tries to point me to my past sins and failures, the Lord would reassure me that He loves me and has forgiven me. I’ve learned that He never leaves or forsakes me.

Today, I have a wonderful new career with one of the world’s leading airlines. I never imagined I would be blessed with such a job or even have the strength or courage to perform well in it. I used to suffer from inferiority complex but not anymore.

The Lord has guided me to hear the Word through watching Pastor Prince’s sermons on television. I’m glad to be part of the body of Christ, the church. Who would have thought that I would enjoy reading the Bible every morning, noon, and night?

Thank You, Jesus, for bringing me to where I am today and for this opportunity to share my testimony. Truly, my life had hit rock bottom—I was a lost sheep that was nowhere near His flock—but Jesus came and rescued me. He had been watching over me the whole time and I believe He had saved me from dangers that I wasn’t even aware of. Hallelujah!

I cannot imagine living life without the Lord today.

One day, I hope to watch Pastor Prince preach in person. May God bless you in all that you do, Pastor Prince!

United Kingdom
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