Praise Report

Lost 142 Pounds, Life Turned Around After Receiving God’s Love

For forty years, I languished in “Christian wilderness.” Although I knew the Bible well, I didn’t know much about the gospel. I constantly doubted God, His love for me, and my salvation. It was tormenting.

When I saw only failures in my life, I became depressed. My weight began to spiral out of control and I got hooked on prescription painkillers for fifteen years. I even lost my home and lived on the streets at age fifty. I could not understand why all this was happening to me.

In 2013, I came across Pastor Prince’s television broadcast. He preached something I had never heard before and I thought he was surely mistaken. For six months, I would “argue” with him as I watched him preach.

When the glorious gospel of grace finally entered my heart and mind, my life totally changed. Here’s what listening to the gospel did for me:

• I lost 142 pounds effortlessly in sixteen months. I was shocked at how easy it was for me as losing weight was something I had never been able to do before.

• I’ve also been freed from my addiction to prescription painkillers effortlessly.

• My heart’s desire is to be a writer, but self-doubt always crippled my attempts to write. Since I began listening to Pastor Prince’s messages, I have written four books and three screenplays.

• I had stopped speaking in tongues after experiencing a spiritual attack thirty years ago. However, once my mind was renewed by the gospel, I began to use the prayer language again and have seen many miracles in the lives of those I’ve prayed for.

To my joy, good fruits have formed in my life as a result of simply abiding in the vine of God’s truth and grace. I know Jesus loves me. I feel like the happiest person on the planet. May God bless Pastor Prince and his church.

Ken McArthur
Indiana, United States
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