Praise Report

Lost Cash Recovered in Mint Condition

Pastor Prince, in one of your sermons, you prophesized that someone had lost a 5-figure cash sum and that it would be recovered.

I had lost my bag containing about 540 pounds in cash, personal IDs, bank cards, keys, and perishable food. In the 2 weeks that followed, I made several calls and in-person visits to the bus company where I had left my bag. The bag could not be found, and later, an employee of the bus company informed me that the case would be closed. This was because no one had reported seeing the bag, and the expected time frame for a lost item to turn up had been exceeded.

I kept believing that my bag would be recovered even though it looked impossible. Most people also told me that my bag and cash would not be found and that I should move on. Each morning, during my prayers and declaration of God’s Word, and whenever I remembered the incident, I thanked God for recovering my money and what you had said about recovering the 5-figure sum.

Very early one morning, a staff of the bus company mentioned she had found my bag and recovered the money. However, they had to dispose of the bag due to the stench from the decay of the food in it. At first, I thought it was not my bag, but when she described the bag and also mentioned an item that I had mistakenly omitted when I reported the lost bag, I knew they had found it. When I got to the bus station, she gave me the money, which was still as new as when I had withdrawn it and in the same denominations. The staff also asked me if I had prayed and said it was unbelievable.

When I withdrew the money, the intention was to deposit the money, but the bank had closed earlier than expected. I was scared of walking with the money as I had other business to attend to before going home. Thus, I kept the cash in the inner compartment of my bag instead of just putting it with the other items in the major compartment. Indeed, in all things, God works it all together for our good!

Ejiro Ikoko
Great Britain
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