Praise Report

Lost iPhone Returned

I’ve been reading Pastor Prince's book Live the Let-Go Life and really laboring to stay at rest. Some time ago, I lost my iPhone on the transit system in my city. I tried to track it but the phone was shut off.

At that moment, I remembered reading the story of the Shunammite woman who kept repeating “it is well” after her son died. So I started saying, “It is well.” I went home and made an insurance claim that came with a $200 deductible. I wasn’t happy about it but I told the Lord if He allowed that to happen, He must have something better for me.

The next morning, I read a chapter of the Live the Let-Go Life book and just remained at rest. Worrying wasn’t going to bring my phone back. I sang all the way to work. I knew it was the peace of God because I usually worry.

Later in the day, I received a call from my sister while at work. She had such excitement in her voice. She’d received a call and was told that my phone had been turned in to the lost and found counter at the transit.

I went into a full-out praise in my office. Jesus is so good! I spoke with the lady at the lost and found counter and she said this is a miracle. No one ever turns in iPhones.

I’m so blessed. I remained at rest and God’s supply flowed uninhibited. All glory to my heavenly Father for His goodness!

Freddie Sal
Georgia, United States
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