Praise Report

Major Breakthroughs In Health, Marriage And Finances

Thank you so much for your Web-based ministry resources. I feel so blessed to be able to sit under Pastor Prince's preaching/teaching anytime I want to. Yes, that's almost every day. I first saw his ministry on Christian television here in the Pacific Northwest in the United States. I am almost done reading a second book by Pastor Prince, and when I found the webcasts online, I felt like I had won the bonus round.

A few months ago, in the middle of a huge struggle, God drew me so close to Him through many things, including your ministry. The struggles are past and I am enjoying the best season I have ever had in my life. I experienced MAJOR breakthroughs in my finances, marriage and health.


I got a great job after being unemployed only two months. Also, the employer who laid me off paid me four months' salary as severance pay. I trusted God to take care of my family and me even though I didn't know what that would look like. All I knew was that one job was ending and I didn't have another to go to. I had peace in my heart not to worry about it and constantly said, "I don't know, but I know who does!"

Each week, I would apply for jobs. I would enjoy the time with my family and make the best of things. Almost two months into my unemployment, my husband and I started planning on what we would have to cut out of our budget—cable, cell phones, entertainment and other luxury items.

Things were starting to get tight and we didn't know how we were going to make it if I didn't get a job soon. It was at that time that I got a call for an interview with a government agency. After two interviews, they offered me the job with almost 10 percent better pay and much better benefits than what my previous job had offered. I didn't know anyone who worked there so I can't say that it was a referral that got me a job there. I just knew the Lord and that's all it took. He opened the doors for me. Five months later, it is still a good fit for me and I enjoy going to work each day. I know that I am placed there for my good and His glory.


My husband got a really good job with the city government where we live about three years ago. He knows that it had to be God that opened that door for him. He didn't know anyone there who would recommend the job to him. God gets the credit! Then, when I got a job also with a local government office, we began making more money than we ever have in our lives!

We are tithers and have always tried to live within our means, and not use credit cards. We are now able to pay our bills, have money for offerings and are getting ready to start a bathroom remodel. (Our home is 60 years old. We have lived here for nine years and haven't been able to do any improvements until now.) We are also able to pay for daycare for our daughter, which is a huge expense for us.


Our marriage was on its last legs due to my chronic medical conditions that had gone on for so long that had cost us so much money, and taken all of our energy. We were in survival mode for so long we didn't know which end was up. Between the healing in my heart by spending time with the Lord and with your message of grace and unmerited favor, and the physical care of a doctor who knew what he was doing, our marriage started to have sparks of life and hope.

We didn't know how to behave in this new mode of me not being sick, and of God healing my heart, and healing our relationship. It is a whole new way of life. Old habits of coping or patterns of dealing with stress are evaporating to make way for a kinder, gentler way of dealing with each other in more loving ways. My husband and I are both Christians and have come a long way. I can see ways that I have been selfish or ways that I have been unloving, and now I let God's love for me overflow to him instead of me either not doing it or doing it because I "had" to.


I have had health struggles that were magnified after a car accident nine years ago. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong and I went to more than 11 medical professionals in less than six months and the symptoms were only getting worse. It came to the point where I could barely work, did nothing after work or on weekends, and slept a lot.

I started to watch Pastor Prince on a TV station whenever I could, as his messages left me hungry for more of God's goodness and wanting to be closer to the Lord again. A friend prayed for me on a Sunday that God would lead me to a doctor who knew what was going on. To make a very long story short, I had an appointment with a doctor whom I had never heard of (I was referred to him by someone I didn't even know) and it ended up with this doctor knowing exactly what was going on.

After six months of treatment, I am only on one medication (from being on six to eight types of medication at one point) and can work, live and enjoy life. I have been as much as 90 percent better than I was before.

God is so faithful and good to me. Thank you and keep doing what you're doing. I look forward to what is in store for us this upcoming season!

Lisa Yost
Washington, United States
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