Praise Report

Manager Pays for Expenses to Attend Conference Because of Favor of God

Pastor Prince, I’ve been listening to your teachings since 2011 and I can say without a doubt that my life has changed for the better. I thank God for you and your ministry.

While working as a cleaner in a hotel lobby, I was listening to your program that was being broadcast on the television. You were speaking about being righteous by faith and receiving the favor of God. I kept saying “Amen” while hearing you preach.

Just then, my manager walked in and greeted me. I told him I regarded you like a friend, and that I was planning to take my mom to see you preach at MegaFest.

He said, “Don’t you see him every time he comes to the country?”

I replied yes.

Then he said, “Well, this time, your expenses are on me.”

HALLELUJAH! Thank You, Lord, for Your favor and blessing as Your Word went forth.

Terion Glenn
Louisiana, United States
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