Praise Report

Marriage Improving After Prayer

I have been married for nearly a year. Soon after we married and moved in together, I noticed my husband had battles that plagued him day and night.

He was full of anxiety, very suspicious, fearful, and controlling. He was always afraid I would leave him. He would go into prayer, complain of demons, and have very negative thoughts about me that caused him not to trust me. My reassurance was never enough.

Our livelihood was affected, and our connection was getting severely damaged. I knew it was a spiritual battle. My husband’s torment was killing us, and I found it increasingly hard. Our pastors began counseling us, but my husband later refused counseling and did not want to do anything else.

I am a dedicated JPM viewer and partner. During the entire time, I would listen to Pastor Prince’s sermons. They were the only sermons my husband could fully listen to and receive. He identified with Pastor Prince’s description of his fears of death and going to hell, feeling oppressed, and how he could never please God or be fully right before Him.

I noticed my husband was suffering from something called “scrupulosity,” which is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder that has to do with religion and rituals to attempt to stay right with God.

Not too long ago, I sent in a prayer request for my marriage, and a major turnaround happened! My husband sensed God leading him to reconnect with our pastors for counseling and to try again. Because of that, his eyes have been opening wider and wider to God’s love and grace. He had always been afraid of God, and blasphemous thoughts would plague and condemn him.

I’m seeing a major change in his mind, heart, and attitude. We have never felt such freedom in loving each other, holding each other, working together, and listening to each other’s concerns, joys, and everything else.

We are still a work in progress, but I wanted to say THANK YOU FOR YOUR MINISTRY and all the partners. I would get free books in the mail, and it surprised him that I would get these free resources. The love JPM shows to everyone around the world touches our hearts. We want God to get ALL the glory for the success. Thank you!

California, United States
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