Praise Report

Miraculous Cancellation Of Huge Hospital Debt

My husband passed away suddenly in December 2010. After he passed on, I received a total of $270,000 in hospital bills. Unfortunately, he was an uninsured patient. As I was a housewife, I had no way to pay the huge debt.

Placing the bills on the table one day, I cried to the Lord and said, “You told me You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Now, I need You to take this mountain of debt from me!” Besides losing a loved one, I owed a huge debt. That was the darkest time of my life and I found no natural way of escaping from this valley.

One day, I turned on the television and heard a grace sermon from Joseph Prince Ministries. My soul was revived and I chose to depend on the grace of the Lord from then on.

One week later, I received a letter from the hospital. They had decided to waive $230,000 of my debt. I couldn’t believe it because I had not contacted them ever since my husband’s passing. The Lord had answered my prayer!

The letter gave me the confidence to request for the remaining $40,000 debt to be cancelled. To my surprise, they approved my request! I was completely freed from the bondage of debt! What a miracle!

Now, I’m a partner with Joseph Prince Ministries. I believe that the grace message will bring more light to people who are in darkness and give hope to their souls!

Yu Hsu Chong
New York, United States
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