Praise Report

Newborn Cleared of Holes in Heart Diagnosis

In January this year, I was told at a prenatal appointment that my unborn child had a narrowing of the aortic valve and possibly had Turner’s syndrome. I was devastated and heartbroken.

I found an online Joseph Prince sermon titled Five Words to Live by—The Battle is the Lord’s. I watched it multiple times every day. Every time I questioned God’s goodness or knew I was failing in faith, I would say it was the Lord’s faith and not mine that was going to see us through. He was forming her in my womb, and He is perfect in His work. I continued praying for the next 2 months.

When we found out that our baby would be a girl we named her Grace Noel. One day, on a 45-minute drive to work, I was praying to God and once again heard Him say, “The battle is the Lord’s.” Within a few seconds after I finished praying, the radio played a new song titled Grace Wins. I cried and thanked God. He was comforting me in my hour of need. I still worried a lot, but every time, I praised Jesus, believing He was in charge.

As the months went on, my daughter’s heart started looking better and better. The doctors determined that she did not have Turner’s syndrome, but they still worried about her aortic valve. I continued to watch the sermon and rest in Jesus’ ability.

After my daughter was born, the doctors still could not tell if her heart was all right and said they would do another echo scan the next day. We prayed that night declaring that since Jesus had formed her, she was perfect in every way. The next day the doctors saw that her valve was fine. She just had 2 holes in her heart that might need surgery later.

We took Grace for her regular checkups and the doctor would sometimes hear the heart murmur. Last week, Grace had her 6-month follow up and before we went for the appointment, we once again claimed that the battle was the Lord’s and that He had formed Grace perfectly. I wasn’t worried when we went for the appointment, and praise be to our Lord Jesus, the doctor happily stated that there was nothing wrong with Grace’s heart! She was healed by the Lord Jesus!

Thank you so much, Pastor Prince, for following God and getting His message and truth out to the world. I listened to the sermon He gave you hundreds of times and each time it reminded me that He was in control. To God be all the glory!

Nicole Wikerson
Florida, United States
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