No Longer Chain-Smoking or Drinking after Resting in the Lord
Pastor Prince, I used to chain-smoke and drink alcohol all day to deal with the great stress and trials in my life. I tried everything to quit these habits but to no avail.
While listening to your sermons one day, the Lord helped me to understand my true identity in Him. I learned that as He is, so am I on this earth (see 1 John 4:17). I also realized I should let Him handle my issues and simply rest in Him.
That evening, I told the Lord to handle my smoking and drinking habits—and He did. When I felt an urge to return to them the following day, I declared that this was not my fight or problem. Then the withdrawal symptoms disappeared.
Now my son and I partake of the Holy Communion every day and he is showing improvement in his autistic condition. The asthma attacks that used to put me in bed for three months at a time would also go in two days. I was skeptical of the Holy Communion at first, but now I know it works!
I thank God for revealing His Bible truths through your preaching. Thank you for walking in faith and teaching the gospel. May God bless you!
Texas, United States