Praise Report

No Longer Homeless, Family Restored After Learning God’s Grace

A few years ago, my world started spinning out of control. My family broke apart due to lies and jealousy between the children. I was homeless. My dogs and I lived in a van and tent. I thought life would never get better.

One day, I screamed out to God for help in the middle of a parking lot. That day, everything changed. A friend called seconds after my cry, put me in a hotel, and got my van fixed. Then one of my family members offered to let me stay with them until I could get a place.

I came across Joseph Prince on television and I listened. It was the first time I learned I was no longer under the religious law. I had thought God couldn’t love me ever again because I had committed adultery and I was divorced. But I listened and realized it was not too late for me.

Although I was living in a rat- and roach-infested house around people addicted to drugs, I started reaching out to them. I was also welcomed into a grace and faith-teaching church. Now I am doing good. I moved out, and God got me a home and car. My children are back. God is good.

All glory to God! Thank you for teaching me about grace.

Arkansas, United States
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