Praise Report

No Longer Living Promiscuous Lifestyle

I went back to church in 2013, the year I lost my virginity. After that, I continued going religiously for four years but in that period, I slept with ten different men.

I am only twenty-three years old but I’d slept with so many men to get love and favors. I felt condemned and began to develop depression. My varsity studies suffered and I failed dismally. This isn’t like me because I’d passed high school with distinctions. Later, I was admitted to hospital with mild depression and panic disorder. Thank God no other disease was found.

After my discharge, I came across Pastor Prince’s television broadcast about dealing with panic attacks. I learned that Jesus, the King of glory, had already cleansed me of all my sins and paid for my punishment at the cross.

I began watching more of Pastor Prince’s sermons, and for the first time in my life, I felt loved when I read my Bible. Before that, I couldn’t bring myself to read the Bible because I would find Scriptures about God’s wrath and anger.

Through Pastor Prince’s teachings, I discovered that I am a child of God to whom I can cry, “Abba Father”—something that I’d always longed for. Today, I no longer condemn myself and I’ve stopped striving to earn God’s favor and blessings.

I’ve not slept with anyone since I heard the gospel of grace. Now that I know I am the righteousness of God in Christ, I no longer wish to sleep with any man except for my husband that God will bless me with in due time. I know this has been made possible by God’s strength and not mine.

I feel happy and at peace. My thoughts do not lead to depression or panic attacks anymore. I’m also back in school to complete my degree. I know that as I continue to rest in Him, I will experience more of His love and grace. This new outlook on life also encourages me to do better in school, instead of being lazy.

I can’t wait for what lies ahead. I’m now part of a family that loves me, welcomes me, and reminds me of my righteousness in Christ. With every challenge that may come my way, I believe there will be fresh grace to lead me to success.

I’m so grateful for this intimate relationship that I have with God through Christ. I’m happy that Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law and introduced me to grace via Pastor Prince’s ministry. Thank You, Jesus, for everything!

South Africa
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