Praise Report

No Longer Short-Tempered After Getting Saved

I am an 18-year-old student in Singapore. Before I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I was an extremely short-tempered person. Though I have always wanted to be a filial son, I would raise my voice at my parents if I disagreed with them. No matter how hard I tried to be patient with my parents, I just could not control my emotions.

One day, I got into a heated argument with my father, and I insulted him so badly he cried. As usual, I went back to my room feeling extremely condemned. I went on YouTube to search for videos on the topic of distress. Pastor Prince’s sermon came up. At that time, I was not a believer, and I wasn't really interested in the video. But something in me made me click on the video.

Initially I couldn’t comprehend what Pastor Prince was saying and was losing interest. However, I continued watching and Pastor Prince started talking about the gift of no condemnation. That caught my attention. All of a sudden, I developed this eagerness to watch the video.

I watched till the end of the video. When Pastor Prince prayed for the people, I felt a strong emotion in me that I cannot describe, and I started to cry uncontrollably. Something in me also led me to say the salvation prayer.

Since then, I’ve started listening to Pastor Prince’s sermons almost every day to learn more about God’s love for me. Miraculously I have stopped losing my temper easily and have become more patient and understanding toward my parents. Now I feel blessed to have a loving family and parents who are so accommodating.

All glory and praise to God!

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