Praise Report

No Longer Under Bondage to Drinking and Smoking

Pastor Prince, I am a 21-year-old man raised in religious Christianity. I was paranoid, insecure, addicted to alcohol, and a heavy smoker of cigarettes and marijuana. I used to smoke 3 to 4 joints of marijuana a day and found comfort in drunkenness.

At home, my mother verbally and physically abused me, constantly saying I was worth nothing and would never amount to anything. She also said she wanted me dead and hit me regularly (I still have the scars). In church, however, she acted nice and “holy,” which made me hate church and thought of it as a hypocritical place.

That was until the day I came across Pastor Prince’s preaching on television. He was teaching a message I had never heard before—the message of grace. I found out his program aired 4 times a day on different channels and watched them all. The messages changed my life.

In less than 6 months, every bondage I had dropped off as I received wave after wave of grace. My mom still said hurtful words, but they no longer carried weight in my life because the word of His grace abounded in me so much more. I have forgiven her because “hurt people hurt people.” Praise and honor to Jesus Christ!

Realeboha Jobo
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