Praise Report

No More Feeling Condemned, Freed from Bad Eating Habit

Pastor Prince, I’ve just completed reading your book, The Power of Right Believing, and it has changed my life.

I’m 23 years old and I’ve been a Christian all my life. But I found Jesus when I discovered your ministry. Now everything around me makes sense to me. I’m walking about with confidence knowing that the One who created heaven and earth is my Father, my Abba.

I had not been to church for about 3 years but I took a bold step after I read your first book, Destined to Reign, and listened to your sermons on YouTube. I went to church for the first time last year and I understood everything better. God loves me and wants to bless me!

I had been going around thinking God was really mean. When my boyfriend broke up with me, I thought God was punishing me for some things I did in the past. I would stay up at night crying, cursing, and thinking my life was worthless. During one of those days, you popped up on my YouTube and you said God wants me to rest. Honestly I didn’t get it. Why would God who ended my relationship want me to rest?

Then I watched more of your videos and sermons and you said that God is not the author of confusion. As a matter of fact, God wants to bless and shower me with love. The most interesting part was knowing that I am forgiven and I’ll never be condemned again because Jesus took my place on the cross.

Oh, Pastor Prince, I felt so relieved as I had been going around feeling guilty and burdened thinking it was the wrong things I did that ended my relationship.

Today, I’m always thinking about my Father in heaven and my sweet, compassionate Jesus. After reading how Jesus “was moved with compassion” every time He saw the multitude or the sick in the Bible, I realized that He is always moved with compassion for me in my moments of despair.

Before I found your ministry, I had a bad eating habit. I’d go on for days without food because I wanted to look a certain way. Then my breakup made it worse. I just stopped eating completely and I looked so terrible. When I started listening to your sermons, I'd say, “Lord, help me to leave everything to you”.

Magically, there’s no single worry in my heart now. I’m completely free from the burden. I’m always thinking of the great future that lies before me with my heavenly Father. And I’m also eating well and have been getting compliments of how good I look and how glowing my skin is. I feel so great!

I believe that with God, the best is yet to come. God bless you, Pastor Prince. Thanks for leading me back to Abba.

Makinde Tolani
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