Praise Report

No More Feeling Empty And Depressed, Now Enjoying Peace And Joy

Pastor Prince, I came from a legalistic background. Whatever I did was never enough to win God’s approval and blessings. I believed that if I did not give to God, fast, or pray hard enough, I would not be able to do better than my peers.

However, the more I struggled to get God’s blessings through my self-efforts, the worse my academic grades became. I became so frustrated and decided to join all kinds of church societies and programs. I believed that doing so would help God to remember me and grant me my desires.

In the end, all I experienced was emptiness, depression, and weariness. So I gave up, surrendered myself to God, and stopped going for all the religious activities. I was tired and told God that I could not keep up with all the things I was doing. I even told Him I was fed up and that He could do whatever He wanted with me.

Then, God led me to your ministry and I soon felt like a born-again believer. Your teachings have revealed the heart of Jesus and my heavenly Father toward me. They have also restored my joy of being a believer and child of God, and have made me realize how I had wasted so much time in trying to deserve His attention and blessings.

It is a privilege for me to be able to watch your teachings on television. They give me so much peace and joy, and I am now enjoying my relationship with God.

To top it all off, I have met people in my vicinity who have also been touched by your teachings. We have formed a group to share the grace gospel and it has been a wonderful experience. Lives have been enriched and I, along with many others, have grown stronger in God’s love and grace.

Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to save people who are bound by religion and legalistic teachings. I can never thank you enough for all that you do in sharing the gospel truth.

Opara Marvis
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