Praise Report

No More Heart Palpitations

I suffered from sporadic heart palpitations for many years. It was caused by a gastric problem that had affected a nerve connected to my heart. I was free of the symptoms for a short while, but then the condition returned and worsened to the point where I was having trouble sleeping. It affected every part of my life. It was scary as I always felt like my heart could skip a beat anytime and in the process not start back up again.

To make things worse, my mother has a similar condition and my father was on heart medication until he passed away. Naturally, I started thinking that this was a hereditary condition.

All this while, I was attending a church that focused on legalistic teachings. As a result, I always felt I had to earn God’s healing for my condition. However, after listening to Pastor Prince’s messages, I realized that because of Jesus’ finished work, I am righteous and that He has qualified me for God’s healing.

So day and night I started proclaiming myself righteous and blessed by virtue of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. I spoke healing over my condition in the name of Jesus. I also partook the Holy Communion. I even asked the Lord to help my infirmity in prayer and spoke in tongues. Yet, my condition continued to worsen.

My breakthrough finally came when God revealed to me that even though I knew I was the righteousness of God, I was still relying on doing things to acquire my healing. I had not been focusing on Jesus who had sealed my healing, health, provision, and blessings when He proclaimed, while hanging on the cross, “It is finished!”

That night, I partook Communion to commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice instead of seeing it as something I had to do to unleash God’s power. And when I prayed, I praised God for offering up His Son and thanked God that I had been redeemed from the curse of the law and all of its consequences. I thanked God that my sins and iniquities were laid on Jesus once and for all and that by His stripes, I was healed. I started to focus on Jesus and fill my heart with praise for the rest that was mine because Jesus had won the victory for me 2,000 years ago.

In essence, I had finally come to the end of myself and what I needed to do. I went to bed after that and I fell asleep very quickly.

The very next morning, I woke up and without a doubt, I felt completely healthy and alive with no hint of the condition. I had truly been touched by the finger of God. I even noticed that my heart rate did not become abnormally high after some exercise as it had previously.

Praise God and thank You, Jesus, for Your perfect work on the cross that has set us free forever!

William Hahl
Pennsylvania, United States
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