No More Knee Pain
Pastor Prince, I have been listening to you for more than two years and I want to tell you that your sermons are the answers that I have been looking for since I was a teenager. I am thirty years old now and my life has completely changed ever since I heard about grace and the gift of righteousness. I feel great about everything in my life and I have perfect peace.
I used to suffer from a back and knee condition for a very long time. When I heard you preach 1 John 4:17—“As Jesus is, so are we in this world”—and share the testimony about how the lady with a lump in her breast claimed this verse for her condition and was healed, I decided to do the same. I wrote this on a piece of paper: “Does Jesus have any back or knee pain?” I believed that even though the pain I experienced was a fact, the gospel truth superseded the fact. Today, I am completely free from pain. All glory to Jesus!
Your sermons are an eye opener for me. In the past, I did not know how to pray. I used to pray using words like, “If it be thy will...” I no longer pray this way for I am able to see the promises of our Lord Jesus when I open my Bible now. I know very clearly that the Lord does not withhold any good thing to those who put their trust in Him.
I watch you every day. I have your sermons recorded in my mobile so that I can listen to them whenever I can. Sometimes, I even listen to the sermon before going to sleep and when I do that, I wake up feeling so refreshed the next morning.
Keep preaching, Pastor. Every person needs to hear the good news. Thank you!