Praise Report

No More Pain Or Trouble Breathing

My daughter had been having tightness in her chest for several weeks. It was getting so bad that she was having trouble sleeping. In fact, she could not sleep on her tummy because of the pain and pressure on her chest.

I listened to Joseph Prince's sermons on the significance of the "grain, wine and oil" and on the Holy Communion. I prayed over some olive oil with Joseph at the end of one of his sermons. I also watched the DVD, Receiving Healing With Faith And Patience, with my teenage children and we had our first Holy Communion, discerning the Lord's body in the proper manner. Even though we attend church regularly, we were never taught what "partaking in an unworthy manner" meant. My daughter said that she felt an immediate relief after the Communion, but she wasn't 100 percent healed. The next evening, she said her lungs were getting bad again so we had Communion again. Same results—well enough to go to bed but not 100 percent healed.

When she went to bed, I decided to anoint the house for the first time. A short time later, she ran into my bedroom scared and in terrible pain, and was literally gasping for air. She was really freaking out and begged me to pray for her. To be quite honest, I got a bit scared myself and just prayed in my head for God to help me. Then, I remembered the anointing oil I had just used on the house. I grabbed it and quickly anointed my daughter saying, "Because of Jesus finished work, you are healed. You are no longer under the curse. You are healed in Jesus' name."

We then prayed basically the same thing, reminding ourselves of God's promise of "no more condemnation in Christ". My daughter calmed down and once again, felt well enough to go back to bed. I was actually surprised at how peaceful I felt and I slept so soundly.

In the morning, my daughter came bouncing in with a big smile on her face and said that she woke up about an hour after we had prayed, taking in a HUGE breath of air and her lungs were 100 percent better! NO PAIN, NO TIGHTNESS and NO TROUBLE BREATHING! She said that she had never felt so good and she slept on her tummy again!

However, that day, after church service, we were waiting in the car while my husband and son were running errands. She said her lungs were beginning to get tight again. I pulled out the tiny bottle of anointing oil that I had put in my purse and asked her if she wanted me to anoint her again. She was sort of wishy-washy and said, "I don't care. You can if you want to." I had a strong indignant feeling come over me and said, “No, this is not a joke. This is not hocus-pocus and this is not some sort of crazy magic! This is anointing oil, the healing power of Jesus. Now, do you want to be healed or not?” She looked at me with a bit of shame and said, "Yes, mamma, I do want to be healed." So I anointed her prayed, "You are healed in Jesus' name."

A few hours later, I asked her how she felt and she said, "100 percent," just like when she woke up taking in a huge breath the night before. It has now been two days since that incident and she is still 100 percent healed!

I can't thank Joseph enough for his ministry and all that we are learning! I have shared this with a few people at church and they want me to share the sermons with them so that they and their families can also start enjoying the healing of Jesus through the Communion and anointing oil!

Aurora Dubuque
Texas, United States
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