Praise Report

No More Shame After Failed Marriage, Filled With Hope For Great Future

Two years ago, I was completely broken. My husband had left me for another woman. I became extremely obese and was deep in debt.

I was eating excessively to numb my emotional pain. I would occasionally cut myself and was even contemplating suicide on a regular basis. I was so ashamed of myself that it was hard to talk to God even though I was a Christian.

At my lowest point, the Lord brought Joseph Prince’s teachings into my life and used the preaching of the gospel to bring powerful healing to me. I learned that I could go to God even when I was feeling ashamed instead of shying away from Him when I needed Him most.

As a result, I’ve drawn close to my Savior, Jesus, confident in His forgiveness. There is such phenomenal change in my attitude and I am no longer negative. People often tell me how joyful I am and how they love the sound of my laugh as it makes them laugh too!

I have since lost over fifty pounds and feel good about myself. I believe that God has used Pastor Prince to save my life—a wonderful thing for my two daughters and me. I now have hope for a great future!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for letting God use you so mightily!

Linda Becker
New Jersey, United States
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