Praise Report

No More Struggling But Resting In God’s Love

Thank you for your prayers and wonderful ministry that unveils the loveliness of Jesus and His heart of love for us. I have been listening to Pastor Prince’s podcasts that reveal the gospel of grace daily. It has been a real blessing.

For over two years, I was experiencing intense trials and battles in my health with symptoms of panic attacks and spiritual oppression. I wondered what I was doing wrong and why I was not seeing a breakthrough even though I kept seeking God, praying, and putting my trust in Him to turn the trial around.

I got to a point where I began to lose all hope for restoration and peace in my life. I felt deep hopelessness that made me want to give up on myself and life altogether. Finally, I reached the end of myself after feeling exhausted and at the end of my rope.

Then, the Lord spoke to me in my heart. He told me that I had been striving too hard to be perfect in my own performance, righteousness, and right doing. In other words, I had been putting myself under the law and not under His grace.

At that moment, I realized why I was so exhausted. I had been laboring to do right, to be right, and to get myself right with God! Without realizing it, I was struggling to do more and to perform more perfectly—hoping to “earn” right standing with God and to receive the restoration I was looking for. The Lord showed me how I could not earn my right standing with Him by my own right doing.

I believe the revelation I had from the Lord was a result of daily hearing Pastor Prince’s teachings about the loveliness and heart of Jesus, His beauty, perfect love, and grace that supplies. I listened to Pastor Prince’s teachings daily throughout my two-year trial and his teachings have been a true blessing to me.

I have been a Christian for over 12 years, but it was only after hearing the gospel of grace that the revelation of how grace supplies and law demands was shown to me. Because of Jesus’ perfect work upon the cross, I have been given right standing with God and I am the righteousness of God in Christ! I do not have to strive or rely on my own right doing to earn the blessings of God in my life. Grace supplies and I can rest in the perfect love of God for me, and allow Him to work in my life and take care of all my needs!

Praise God! Thank you for your wonderful ministry. God bless you!

United Kingdom
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