No More Struggling with Addictions
Pastor Prince, I struggled with addictions most of my life and also with lust. I was heartbroken over a past relationship and was using my addictions to numb the pain.
One morning, after coming home from my overnight job, I lay in bed trying to sleep and not to think of my broken heart. I prayed, asking to be healed and wondering if God was even listening. While flipping through the television channels, I came across your sermon about how Jesus heals the brokenhearted. I realized that He was listening to me. Ever since then, I have been watching your sermons.
I did not know that unbelief was my biggest problem. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and it will set you free.” I didn’t know that I am the righteousness of God Christ but now I know. Right believing has led me to right living. I no longer give in to my addictions but pray and ask Father God to remind me of who I am in Jesus Christ.
I am now a born-again Christian, and I am so thankful God showed me your sermon that morning.
Florida, United States