Praise Report

No More Tormented by Fear, Anxiety, and Insomnia

I am a 29-year-old single female currently living with my parents. I was baptized at 9 but stopped attending regular Sunday services after turning 18. I became addicted to listening to secular music and reading pornographic novels.

Some time ago, I began to feel a sensation as if something was lodged in my back. For the next 3 months, I lived in torment. Irrational fears, anxiety, insomnia, and depression became my constant companions. I developed an intense fear of falling, sleeping alone, and even bowing my head. I could only sleep with my back turned to a wall. Voices in my head would tell me that things were trying to enter my mind, making me feel like I was going insane.

I kept everything a secret from my family, knowing they would force me to go back to church if I confided in them. I have always believed in Jesus, but I felt incapable of being a good Christian. I repeatedly told myself that I would recommit myself fully to God after sorting out my life.

Over time, the sensation worsened, and it felt as if something was trying to crawl into the back of my head. This scared me, and I found myself literally stretching my hand behind my back in an attempt to pull off whatever it was that was on my back.

In desperation, I finally told my mom, and she prayed for me and anointed me with olive oil. Truthfully, I felt a little better, but by nighttime, the feeling came back. Later, I suffered from insomnia and found myself crying out to God for help in the early hours of the morning.

The Holy Spirit led me to one of Pastor Joseph Prince’s sermons. I obeyed and listened to one of his full-length sermons on YouTube. For the first time in months, I was no longer conscious of that tormenting feeling; I became consumed with Jesus’ finished work on the cross. By the end of the sermon, the feeling—and everything that came with it, such as fear, insomnia, and anxiety—had left me and never returned.

Since that day, I have not listened to secular music or read pornographic novels. I started attending church again and helping out in my church’s youth ministry. A better job opportunity also fell into my lap because I was at the right place at the right time.

Knowing the true love of Jesus has set me free. God bless you, Pastor Joseph Prince, and your entire ministry.

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