Praise Report

No More Wrenching Back Pain

All my life, I had hopped from church to church. Nothing ever connected my heart totally to God because I was always trying to please Him. I was a prisoner of law—the more I failed Him, the more unworthy I felt of His blessings and the more complicated salvation got.

This changed after I began faithfully watching Joseph Prince on our family channel here in Kenya every week night at 9pm for the last two years. The revelation of grace has completely changed my life!

I finally understood what God expected of my relationship with Him—it’s all about accepting His love and the finished work of Jesus on the cross. The chains are gone and I am now free. I am in love with Jesus and I can literally feel His love for me.

Late last year, I was involved in a car accident. A lady had lost control of her vehicle and hit me on my back while I was on the pavement. I was alive and grateful that an X-ray showed that I had no injuries. However, two months later, I started experiencing these bad back pains exactly where I had been hit. I never complained to anyone but I knew it was a result of the accident.

Then one day, Joseph Prince began praying for back pains in the middle of his broadcast. I stood up, put my hand on my back in faith and believed Jesus for healing. It’s almost a month and a half now, and I have had no more back pains. Jesus healed me and I don’t even remember how it feels to have those wrenching pains anymore!

I am a single mother of two and my well-being is so important to me and my kids. Yet, the Lord made it equally as important to Him! Glory be to the KING OF KINGS!

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