Praise Report

Offered Better Position After Resting in the Lord

I’ve been attending Grace Revolution Church (GRC) for 7 years now. During this time, there was a season when things at work were horrible.

I worked long hours with the fear of being screamed at if my work wasn’t done. There were everyday attacks from the staff about how our team wasn’t good enough. It was a very condemning and toxic environment.

My husband would get the brunt of a distraught and angry wife. This went on for many years, and I felt trapped and condemned. I continued asking my pastors, leaders, and friends for prayer and also for a way out. One day, my husband shared something with me that caught my attention. Speaking of Joseph in the Book of Genesis, he said, “Joseph didn’t enjoy the prison, but he enjoyed the Lord while he was in prison.” And I wanted that!

I began to ask the Lord for rest in my current situation. I wanted joy and peace in my heart in the middle of that crazy storm. That was a new beginning for me. I realized that I wasn’t settling. If I asked the Lord for rest at that job, it’s because that’s exactly what He wants for me. I realized that this wasn’t the end of my story. The Lord can give me rest while I’m waiting for my breakthrough. I can walk out or run out smiling and laughing!

A short time later, after years of trying to get out of this job, I was offered a new position at another company with a higher salary, a wonderful working environment, and better benefits. I’m so thankful to the Lord for His relentless love! He always assures me that no matter how deep the pit feels like, I’m coming out! I’m so thankful to my pastors for always listening and praying with me about that job situation every time I asked! They would point me to Jesus every time and how He’s mighty to save!

Penelope Gardner
Texas, United States
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