Praise Report

Offered Better Position After Resting in the Lord

For months, I searched in vain for a job. When the lockdown came in 2020, my chances were even slimmer. I was 31 with no formal job experience. I did not see how God could come through for me, and I suffered anxiety and depression.

I got hold of Joseph Prince’s book Live the Let-Go Life. I was filled with hope and peace whenever I read the book. Whenever I felt discouraged, I read the testimony of the lady who had been laid off from work and later ended up blessed beyond her expectations with a new job and position.

At my lowest point, I told the Lord I was tired. I felt Him leading me to apply for the jobs I was interested in and to stop applying to every job I saw because that caused more stress.

In one of his sermons, Pastor Prince encouraged people to not just pray for a job but to also pray for a position. I did not see how this could be possible since I never had a real job or formal work experience. But I rested in and trusted the Lord for everything. I applied for more jobs and started to get some requests from companies asking me to do assessments. They did not call me back for interviews, but I could see there was a shift now. At least the companies were responding to my applications.

In November 2020, during the pandemic, I got in touch with a human resource personnel on a job website. She asked me to send in my resumé. A week later, she called to let me know that I got the job! She gently advised me to consider the software engineer associate position within the same company. I took the position. I was excited as the perks exceeded my expectations. The salary was almost double what I had asked.

I would like to thank Pastor Prince for the words of encouragement and the preaching of God’s grace. Thank you, Joseph Prince Ministries, for sharing Christ-centered teachings. To anyone unemployed, I would like to say don’t give up. God sees you and cares for you, and He will bless you above and beyond your expectations. To God be the glory!

South Africa
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