Praise Report

Out Of Confusion And Touching Lives With Gospel Of Grace

When I got born again in 2005, the Lord filled me with an intense passion and desire to know Him. I lived and breathed His Word, listened to the teachings of many pastors, and attended many conferences.

But in the midst of God giving me beautiful revelations about Jesus, I was brought into a state of confusion by man-made teachings. I was taught to constantly confess my sins in order not to be out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It was also confusing to hear sermons that mixed both law and grace which told me what I needed to do to earn God’s blessings. I prayed to God about my confusion and I asked Him to show me the truth and set me free.

In 2008, I listened to a sermon by Pastor Joseph Prince and God used that sermon to touch my heart. However, I was still stuck in a mixture of law and grace, until I read Pastor Prince’s book, Destined To Reign, and was set free from my confusion. I felt like a heavyweight had rolled off my shoulders. I bought a bundle of Destined To Reign books to hand out to my husband, my children, and whoever I was prompted to share the books with. My husband and children also experienced freedom from the confusion that I had faced, and shared with me that they were amazed at how simple being saved is.

I believe that Joseph Prince’s ministry was God’s answer to my prayer. Now, I buy every book and teaching resource by Pastor Prince that I can get my hands on, record every one of his messages on television, and download all his sermon podcasts.

Our hearts’ desire is to share what the Lord has done in our lives and to touch the hearts of others with the gospel of grace. We now lead a group that shares the gospel of grace with others. We also give out Pastor Prince’s books and CDs. Many recipients of his materials have had their lives changed after receiving God’s abundant grace.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching Jesus! Our lives are forever changed!

Annette Mickelson
Florida, United States
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