Praise Report

Pancreatic Cyst Shrank In Two Months, Surgery Canceled

A few months ago, my doctor found a 29mm cyst at the head of my pancreas. It was quite large and not in a good position. He recommended surgery if the cyst grew larger than 30mm.

As my condition was beyond his expertise, he arranged for me to see a senior medical consultant. The consultant said I required a Whipple procedure—an operation more complex than a heart transplant. This really frightened me and for the first time in my life, everything seemed to be crumbling.

I was scheduled for another checkup two months later. During that time, I attended New Creation Church [in Singapore] and stood up twice when Pastor Prince prayed for healing over the congregation. My wife and sister also attended the church’s midweek service to pray for me.

Every morning, I partook of the Holy Communion. I also prayed in tongues during my quiet time as taught by Pastor Prince. This helped to strengthen my faith and remove negative thoughts. I also told God that I didn’t want to go through the Whipple procedure and prayed for the cyst to be reduced in size and to disappear eventually.

When I went for the scheduled checkup, I felt a sense of calm and peace in my heart. I prayed in tongues again just before the checkup. Lo and behold, the cyst had reduced in size to 15mm! It had shrunk by half in two months! Amazing! Awesome! Incredible! Miraculous!

The doctor said I only needed to return once a year for checkups. I’m believing the cyst will disappear completely before my next appointment.

Thank God for Pastor Prince’s teachings on healing and praying in tongues. I’ve learned that I can just come boldly to the Lord to ask, believe, and receive His healing power. Praise God! Hallelujah!

Patrick Lee
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