Panic Attacks Gone After Praying in Tongues
Some time ago, I started having anxiety and panic attacks. I couldn’t sleep, my heart was in pain, and I had no appetite. Bouts of fever would hit me, and I often had to rush to the toilet.
There were also moments of shaking that I couldn’t control. Not even watching television as a distraction or catching up with friends and family helped. As soon as a fearful thought crept in, a sense of despair would wash over me. I had never experienced this before.
I remember hearing a testimony Joseph Prince shared about a man who had very severe panic attacks and numerous health problems and was taking up to thirty medications daily. God prompted the man to pray in tongues, and eventually, he was delivered from all his panic attacks and health issues. I thought, If God can deliver that man, He can deliver me too.
I re-watched the testimony on YouTube and googled “Joseph Prince praying in tongues.” A short article titled Start Praying in Tongues and Receive Your Healing Breakthrough came up. I learned that water is a picture of the Holy Spirit. As we pray in the Spirit, we have a shield of water around us that extinguishes the enemy’s fiery darts.
I pictured the watery shield around me while I prayed in the Spirit, which reassured me that the enemy couldn’t touch me! Both the video and article sparked my faith. I continued watching Joseph Prince’s videos and devotionals on praying in tongues, which further encouraged me.
Since I started praying in tongues, I have not had a single panic attack! Despair still loomed on that odd occasion, but I believed that the more I prayed in tongues and listened to Joseph, the more the fears and condemnation would be washed away.
I asked the Lord for a Bible verse to stand on. When oppression tries to creep in, I remind myself of Isaiah 54:14 amp: “You will be firmly established in righteousness; you will be far from [even the thought of] oppression, for you will not fear, and from terror, for it will not come near you.”
I’m so thankful to Joseph Prince for preaching the true gospel of grace. All glory to Jesus!