Praise Report

Passed Assessment And Business Prevented From Closure

In November 2011, I was promoted to a new position. I have only been there for nine weeks and already knew that there would be big challenges ahead. I really sought God on this and asked Him to take me to where I would be out of the boat and relying solely on Him.

Soon after, I realized that the challenges were way beyond me—the business was in great danger of completely collapsing! The nursing home I was working in was non compliant with a number of standards and was in serious trouble in every way.

In the past, I would have been discouraged and defeated by the sheer size of the task. But as a much beloved child of God, blessed and highly favored, I knew that I could believe for the best that my heavenly Father wants to give me. I have been hanging on to the truth that in Christ I am an overcomer, that as He is so am I in this world, and He is not discouraged or defeated!

I sent a prayer request to Joseph Prince Ministries last Wednesday when the independent assessors came to assess and determine whether we could go on. In addition to the usual assessment, they included a surprise extra assessment and there were also three assessors instead of the usual two!

Thanks to Jesus, not only did we pass the test, but we also did far better than that! In nine weeks, we went from having little hope to, hearing from the assessors, “You are clearly on the right track, keep up this good work.”

My God and Savior can do exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think! Thank you for your faithful teaching, Pastor Prince!

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