Praise Report

Polyp Disappeared, Received Job Offer By Grace

For ten years I was a Christian who would search my heart for sins before partaking of the Holy Communion and confess my sins whenever I prayed.

This left me feeling sin-conscious all the time and more condemned whenever I fell short. I also had an abiding fear that the Lord was upset with me because of my mistakes.

But this changed in 2015 when my son invited me to New Creation Church [in Singapore]. I was initially skeptical because the teachings sounded too good to be true. But I was drawn to Pastor Prince’s teachings on the Holy Communion and the idea that believers could never lose their salvation due to Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. So I kept going to hear his sermons.

Sometime in March 2015, my doctor informed me during a medical checkup that he had detected a polyp of several centimeters in my body. I was scheduled for a minor surgery in three months’ time to get it removed.

During that period of time, I started partaking of the Holy Communion regularly and confessing that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. This revelation became even more real to me when I came across a testimony in Pastor Prince’s book, Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion. A lady had miraculously passed out a polyp from her body.

I took this as a sign that the Lord was speaking to me. While I still did not fully understand God’s grace, I just partook of the Holy Communion as often as I could.

When I went back to the doctor, I was shocked when they could find no trace of the polyp! I had to check with the doctor several times if this was a mistake or if I had been misdiagnosed. But the doctor confirmed that there was no mistake in my diagnosis and that the growth was gone!

The goodness of God did not stop there. I was also looking for a new job after being unemployed for a long time. I sent in my résumé for a clinical assistant position at a local medical institution. However, I made an embarrassing mistake of sending in the draft copy of my résumé that contained many errors.

I felt very stupid and did not think my résumé would be accepted. But I just committed the situation to the Lord and trusted that His grace would lead the way.

To my pleasant surprise, I received a call within the week for an interview. Even though I lacked the relevant experience, I felt the Lord giving me the right words to answer the interviewer’s questions. Shortly after the interview, I was offered the job.

I am so thankful for the message of grace. Today, I experience great joy and a sense of rest in my relationship with God. I do not have to feel burdened or stressed due to not meeting God’s standards, because I know I am already righteous in Christ. What my self-efforts could not do, His grace has done for me and blessed me richly.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the message of grace.

Niki Fann
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