Praise Report

Prayer For Husband Over-Answered

Pastor Prince, your daily inspirations are truly very, very encouraging. And almost every one of your messages on God TV brings tears to my eyes. I thank God for these tears of deep gratitude I feel toward His love and Jesus' finished work.

My husband, Hemant, is not yet a believer. However, he allows me to attend regular Sunday service with our children.

He currently works as a quality control (QC) manager for a pharmaceutical company. He had told me that the QC manager of another unit had gone to China on an official visit. From that day, I began to pray that he would be able to go on a similar trip. Guess what? God answered my prayer within a month!

During his trip to China, Hemant had many audits in several cities that required long journeys. Not only did God protect his health, He also gave him one day off when he was in Beijing due to the snowfall. As a result, Hemant had the opportunity to go on a local tour, which included a visit to the Great Wall of China.

When my husband shared these good things with me over the phone, I realized that God had over-answered my prayer by providing beyond what I could think or imagine!

If my physical and earthly desires can be fulfilled like this, what more my spiritual desires of serving the Lord with my family? They certainly will come to pass! Hallelujah!

Priyanka There
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