Praise Report

Prayers Answered For Studies And Work, Confident About Future

In 2012, I was deployed to a village in Nigeria to serve for a year under my post-undergraduate program. During this time, I was experiencing a lot of fear and condemnation. However, the Lord led me to live with a group of believers where we would pray and read the Bible together every day. I saw a difference in my life.

When my deployment ended, I was afraid I would not have the same spiritual experience and revert to a life of emotional struggles. But two days after I arrived home, I came across Pastor Joseph Prince’s television broadcast where he was preaching on the Urim and Thummim. This caught my attention and I remembered that a friend had given me a couple of his messages.

I started listening to his messages such as Good Things Happen To People Who Believe God Loves Them. Pastor Prince taught on Romans 4:8 and how God does not impute our sins to us today because He has judged them all at the cross. I had never heard anything like that before. I’d only heard of how God’s going to get me whenever I fail and other legalistic teachings.

I felt a newness of life just by listening to his teachings. I would also keep on listening to them to get rid of all wrong believing in my mind. As I learned about my righteousness in Christ, I began to experience true joy and a fresh approach to life.

At that time, I was trusting God for a job and an opportunity to further my studies. I applied for scholarships and submitted résumés, but there were no open doors. One day, while helping my mom in her bakery, I decided to listen to your sermon titled Have A Throne Attitude—Rest Until God Makes Your Enemies Your Footstool.

In that message, Pastor Prince taught on Psalm 110:1–2 and how God wants us to rest in Him even for the unsettled issues in our lives. I also learned that He can work everything out for my good. Right there and then, I declared, “God, I shall stop worrying and step into Your rest.”

Two days later, my dad returned home from a journey and said his friend would like to sponsor my master’s study abroad. This was like a dream! I applied to the school and was admitted. However, there was a temporary ban on foreigners due to the Ebola virus.

While waiting for the ban to lift, I received a call from a company which I had interviewed with before. They wanted to consider me for a different role this time. When I saw the job scope, I had no idea what it was about. So I prayed in the Spirit and asked God for wisdom.

The interview went smoothly and I could see God’s favor upon me. The following interviews turned out even better and I was hired by October. I also found out I was chosen from amongst candidates who were more qualified.

Over the next eleven months, I continued experiencing God’s grace and favor at my workplace and was able to perform my job well. After that, I came to Mauritius for my studies and continued experiencing His grace whenever new challenges arose. One passage that kept me going was Isaiah 45:22–25.

Pastor Prince, thank you for allowing God to use you to preach the gospel. Unlike before, I now have absolute confidence about my life and my future. Most importantly, I have learned to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ. As He is, so am I in this world (1 John 4:17). I love you, sir. God bless you.

Uche Ogobegwu
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