Praying Has Become A Sweet Blessing
What an amazing God we know and love!
Your teaching has transformed my thinking into right believing! I asked for prayer for the mid-west fires to be put out and for the temperatures in the United States to get cooler and praise God, it has happened!
Many of the fires burning here in the mid-western states of the US have been dowsed with rainfall—praise to our living God! The extreme temperatures have also fallen! We are enjoying God’s amazing love in the form of beautiful cool evenings and beautiful cool mornings!
I also asked for direction in my city to a church preaching the gospel of grace and in just a couple of days, I heard a man preaching on television about our righteousness—how it is in Jesus and a gift that we cannot earn. He said exactly the things that I have heard you teach and I knew that God had answered me! The Lord led me to this church and I went last Sunday. It truly was God leading me. He is much more! He is so amazing! When I am weak, He is strong!
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for hearing the voice of Jesus! Thank you for being the vessel bringing freedom to the sin-conscious. Jesus is much more and He paid a price for us that can never be repaid. How can I continue in sin knowing what He has done for me? I only want what Jesus has for my life. He loves me and the world so very much. He does not want anyone to perish!
God is magnificent and all praise and honor go to Him! I know that He loves me. My Abba Daddy hears my cries and it moves Him! Praying has become such a sweet blessing! Financial blessings are pouring in! God is also moving in a quick way in my personal life with a man whom I adore.
I am receiving all unmerited, unearned favor. I am able to witness with a boldness that I didn’t have before I knew the truth of God’s gospel of grace. God is truly for me! Praise be to God!
Wyoming, United States