Praise Report

Pregnant After Putting Faith In Jesus’ Blood

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby since 2010. We even underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment but without success.

I subscribed to receive your Meditate & Believe Right devotionals in my email daily and in February, I received one titled, When All Else Fails, The Blood Avails.

The message quoted Revelation 12:11—“And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb…” Joseph Prince also shared a testimony written by a lady from England about how her daughter-in-law had conceived supernaturally in a few weeks after she prayed and spoke Jesus’ blood over the situation. Before that, her daughter-in-law had been trying to get pregnant for 10 years and had even undergone at least seven IVF treatments, all without success!

After reading that, I spoke Jesus’ blood over my situation. I also told God that since He has given me His beloved Son, the highest gift of all, it’s not too hard for Him to bless me with a child too. And after a month, I found out that I was pregnant!

Oh, what a mighty, awesome God we have! I can’t stop praising Him! Thank God for granting my heart’s desire!

Carolyn Page
United Kingdom
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