Praise Report

Pregnant After Trying For Two Years

My husband and I were trying to conceive for more than two years. We went to a fertility clinic for all kinds of tests. Finally, I was told that I had ovarian cysts.

We were informed of the various options available to us, the most highly advised option being to have the cysts pierced. I was also presented with the option of taking hormone pills, but was warned that the chances of conceiving through this method were very low.

I went with the hormone pills and took them for five consecutive days before returning to the hospital for a checkup. To my surprise, I was told that my body had responded very well to the hormone pills. I had a blood test taken to see if I was pregnant, and had to wait a few hours for the results.

As I waited, I became afraid that the news would be disappointing again. So I started praying and singing to God. Just then, the daily grace inspiration from Joseph Prince arrived in my email inbox. It was about calling the things that are not as though they are and how God had changed Abram’s name to Abraham to make him a father of many nations even though he was old and childless.

So I started proclaiming my pregnancy and I said to the devil, “Your game is over because God has already blessed me. Get behind me!” And within five minutes, I received a call from the hospital and I was told that I was pregnant! Hallelujah!

Esther Vermote
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