Promoted By The Grace Of God
First of all, I want to thank the King of kings and Lord of lords for the development of technology, or I would not have come to know of Pastor Joseph Prince.
I started my career a couple of years back in 2012, but even after two years, I was still in the same position, with no salary increment. However, I always believed that some day, God would lift me up.
Then, I watched a sermon in which Pastor Prince mentioned that the theme of the year was The Year of Greater Glory. I agreed in prayer with Pastor Prince in that sermon that I would experience greater glory.
Now, my heart is full of thanks as I have been promoted to the position of Senior Manager and have even managed to buy myself my dream bike without the need for a loan! This is only possible by the grace of God.
Pastor Prince, I am really blessed to be able to hear the messages you preach. Truly, all glory and honor belong to the King of kings and the Lord of lords!