Praise Report

Protected From Car Explosion And Fire

I was driving a rented car when I heard a loud bang. Within moments, I realized that the car was on fire. I immediately switched off the engine to get out. But to my horror, I could not remove the safety belt or open the door!

I was stuck. I then hit the door with my elbow and it opened. By then, the flames were threatening to come inside the car and I had to close the door again. A few other motorists came screaming at me to get out because the car looked like it was about to explode. They did not know that I was trapped by the seat belt.

I called out to Abba Father and just declared, “I am your righteousness. You are the only one who can save me!” As those words were echoing in my ears and my heart, I heard a click as the safety belt was released. I ran out of the car without taking any of my belongings. When I realized that my keys and documents were going to be burned, I ran back to the car to try to retrieve them.

Everyone around me was screaming for me to get away from the burning car, when one brave motorist came with a small fire extinguisher, broke the front passenger window and took out my bag. By then, the fire department arrived and was able to stop the blaze. The car did not explode but it was completely burned. I praise the Lord for delivering me safely out of this dangerous situation!

I realized that the devil has long been defeated and we don’t have to fear anything any more. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the gospel. I have been following you on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar, and listening to you via your DVDs and CDs. May the good Lord bless you richly!

Sakhile PhindilePatriciaMahlangu
South Africa
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