Praise Report

Protected from Contracting COVID-19

I am a student on scholarship in Fiji, but I am Samoan. My mother has always loved watching Pastor Prince’s sermons online. She particularly loved one sermon where he urged parents to encourage their children to memorize Psalm 91. He also showed a video of his son reciting the psalm.

At the beginning of 2021, my mom sent all 6 of her kids Pastor Prince’s video and encouraged us, especially those living overseas, to memorize the Word, in particular, Psalm 91 and Psalm 23. I’ve heard a few testimonies of people who received revelations when memorizing and confessing the Scripture but never got to experience it myself as there is a difference in knowing the Word and actually saying it with your mouth. Because it was from my mom, I had “no choice” but to listen.

During this time, Fiji was going through its second wave of COVID-19 cases and was recording nearly 1,000 positive cases daily. I am studying to be a doctor, so I live on campus facing Fiji’s main hospital, where COVID-19 patients were being isolated. This didn’t give me peace of mind regarding my safety. It took me 3 to 4 months to memorize Psalm 91, but my daily confession of the Psalm became a soothing remedy every time fear, worry, or anxiety crept into my mind.

Recently, I finally experienced a personal revelation of this Scripture. Last Friday, I was told that I was a primary contact for a positive COVID-19 case. I didn’t feel sick the whole week, so I decided not to take a COVID-19 test as I would be at more risk by going out to take it. The next day, I found out I was a primary contact for another 2 positive cases. This put me at high risk of carrying the virus too.

When I found out, I cried my eyes out as I couldn’t help feeling very scared that I might die. But in the midst of crying, I was slowly reminded of Psalm 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” I realized the death I was so afraid of was just a shadow and as simple as that, my heart was at total peace again.

On Sunday, I managed to get myself tested, and I would get my results the next day. You can imagine the mental fight I had with the enemy putting all sorts of thoughts in my head, one after another. But this time, I had my double-edged sword all sharpened and ready. I fought against these negative thoughts by throwing Scripture at them, in particular, Psalm 91:5–11, Psalm 23:4, and John 8:44. I went to sleep feeling victorious and peaceful and woke up to my test result being negative. Praise God!

If it wasn’t for Pastor Prince’s encouraging sermon about memorizing Psalm 91, I wouldn’t have been able to find peace when I faced this situation alone in another country. Before I received this revelation, I never liked listening to sermons. But now I look forward to every Pastor Prince sermon clip posted on social media.

All glory goes back to Abba Father! Thank you for sharing the gospel, Pastor Prince!

Joanne Fuiono Lafaele
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