Praise Report

Receding Gum And Sensitive Teeth Conditions Improved After Prayer

I’ve had receding gums and sensitive teeth since I was seventeen years old. They persisted for three years and dentists could not explain why I had these conditions. They said receding gums and sensitive teeth usually occur in much older people.

I was given surgery as the only option. However, I kept putting it off because it’s extremely expensive and I didn’t want to have post-surgery downtime.

After listening to many of Pastor Prince’s teachings, I decided to put my dental issues into the Lord’s hands. I prayed and stopped focusing on them.

A few weeks later, I looked into the mirror and noticed that some of the worst spots on my gums had started to close up and the extreme sensitivity had gone away! I am no longer in pain! My prayers were answered. Praise the Lord!

California, United States
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