Praise Report

Received Jesus’ Love, Blessed Beyond Imagination

I am a 36-year-old lady from Zambia, Africa, and I am now living and studying in the United Kingdom.

I was jobless from 2009 and had absolutely nothing to my name. Despite attending a church in my home country, I felt unworthy to receive God’s blessings. I thought that I hadn’t done enough for God and so I just served in the church as much as I could.

In 2011, a lady from the same church gave me your book, Unmerited Favor, and as I started reading it, my eyes were opened. I realized that it was never about my effort but all about Jesus’ finished work. Slowly, I started believing the Word and began opening up to receive Jesus’ love for me.

Before I knew it, doors of opportunities opened and I ended up with a full scholarship of £25,000 to study a Masters in Management Accounting and Finance program in the UK. I was also blessed by my relative, who gave me £15,000 in cash as a gift despite the economic downturn.

I’d never imagined having the blessings that I now enjoy because I always had to work extra hard to earn a living. In fact, whenever I heard of such blessings in the past, I always thought that there must be something that the person had done to earn it. Even so, living under the law was hard—nothing came easy and sometimes even after I’d tried my best, I would still suffer hardship.

So I can’t share this testimony without shedding tears because it’s not about me or what I do. I’m still imperfect. The only thing that has changed is a shift in my focus to see Jesus’ finished work at the cross.

As I continue looking at Jesus and His love for me, my life is so refreshed and I look forward to each new day to see what God has to say to me. I can now confidently ask God for a husband and a good home!

I thank God for you, Pastor Prince, and your ministry. God bless you all.

United Kingdom
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