Praise Report

Received Job Offer with Flexible Working Options

I have been working part-time for 8 years since the birth of our daughter. Recently, I began looking for a full-time job as our youngest turned 3 years old. I enjoy my current part-time job, but it is a fixed-term contract that has to be renewed every year. I had been looking for a full-time permanent post but attended interviews without success.

Recently, I was called for 2 different interviews within a few days of each other. The first interview went very well, and the interviewers also gave very positive feedback during the interview. However, I was later informed I had not been selected. I was very upset upon hearing the news.

The very next day, I prepared for another interview. I felt very discouraged and told the Lord I didn’t know how to face another interview. Immediately, I was reminded of the holy Communion. I partook of the Communion and even while weeping, I declared, “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:5–6). Even though I didn’t feel it, I declared that I have hope because the Lord is with me.

The next interview was the hardest I’ve ever had to face. But supernaturally, I was able to answer the questions and had even prepared for some of the questions the night before. I was offered the job, which I consider a promotion. I have flexible working options, meaning I can work from home most of the time. This perfectly suits our family’s needs at the moment. This is a dream job the Lord has provided for me!

I thank my loving Lord and Savior for His wisdom and provision. I am so grateful to Pastor Prince for being true to the gospel. We watch the online services and access resources through the Joseph Prince app. This has greatly blessed and encouraged us on a daily basis.

United Kingdom
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