Praise Report

Received Raise In Salary Against Strong Odds, No Longer Struggling Financially

I grew up in a Christian home and had always felt the Lord’s call to be an elementary school teacher. During my first few years of teaching, I had to live with multiple roommates to afford rent. I love working with children but was frustrated by the lack of funds.

After I got married, I often worked long hours in school and took up multiple part-time jobs to be able to go for vacations, pay off our cars, and pay our mortgage. I felt tired and stressed out most of the time. I envied friends who only had to work one job in high-paying careers. People also told me, “Teachers never make a lot of money. You will have to get used to living on a small salary.”

After listening to Pastor Prince’s teachings and receiving a fresh revelation of the gospel, I decided to lay my situation at Jesus’ feet. On my way to work one morning, I declared, “Through the perfect, finished work of Jesus Christ, I am asking the Father for a raise that is exceedingly, abundantly, above all I can ask or think. I know it is not His will for me to be in lack.” I also praised the Lord for blessing me at work and showing me His favor in new ways.

A few months later, the school board announced that they were working on a new salary schedule for our district. This meant a potential raise for me! However, it would first have to pass through a school district referendum before it could be implemented. Nevertheless, I clung to this news in hope and praised the Lord.

Almost all my coworkers were skeptical because passing this referendum was expensive and would raise property taxes in our community. Not only that, our district had just passed a building referendum the year before. Passing another one so soon was a long shot. Other school districts had tried to do something similar but without success.

While waiting a year for the referendum to get to the voting stage, I thanked the Lord and proclaimed that while I cannot provide for myself, He COULD through His perfect, finished work. I also focused on His promises and tuned out all negative talk about the referendum.

In the end, seventy percent of our community voted YES to the referendum! With this new salary schedule, I get to earn $15,000 more each year because I have a master’s degree and a few years of working experience. This is $5,000 higher than most people in my district. On top of that, I will be making an additional $10,000 annually in four years’ time.

I have friends (teachers) all over the state who were absolutely blown away by the referendum. This level of pay for our profession is not typical in our state. Even better, my husband recently had an unexpected Christmas bonus. It’s the largest one he has ever received!

Sharing this makes me cry tears of joy. God is SO good! He loves to provide for all our needs. He has shown me how to REST in Jesus’ finished work and trust in His love. I’m so excited to be able to stop working at my part-time jobs and have more free time again. My husband and I also have so much joy knowing that when God blesses us with our first child, we will be provided with more than enough.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your ministry!

Wisconsin, United States
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