Praise Report

Receiving God’s Love, Now Freed From Addictions

For the better part of 16 years, I have been addicted to cigarettes and marijuana, but because of the grace of my Father, I am now free!

Although I grew up in a godly environment, attended a charismatic church, spent daily time with God, and even taught in a Sunday school, I was an addict who knew how to hide my addictions well! While I have always been known to love people and be kind, I felt as if I was not being kind to God or myself—I was hurting the temple of God and being a hypocrite. I felt absolutely worthless and thoughts of suicide often raced through my mind.

Throughout the 16 years of bondage, I attempted so many times to quit my addictions—including the time I was pregnant with my two beautiful boys! I did quit for a while but as soon as I gave birth, I quickly picked up the habits again because the desire had never left my heart the whole time.

While my prayers for others have always been powerful and effective, I was very mad at God because my prayers for my own freedom seemed to go unheard, or at least unanswered.

Then, about a year and a half ago, I began to listen to Joseph Prince’s television program daily, sometimes I would watched the program multiple times. At one point in time, Joseph Prince almost completely filled the space available in my digital video recorder.

I also began ordering materials that the Holy Spirit led me to get, and I was in the Word of grace for hours daily, even while under the influence of cigarettes and marijuana. Hope began to fill my heart—not hope that I would soon be free, but hope that no matter my state, my Father would NEVER be mad at me! His grace was enough for the apostle Paul, and His grace is enough for me!

For so long, I tried to earn the blessings, including the freedom of God. But after allowing the water to cleanse me daily, I was able to receive His love, grace, shalom, and all of His blessings, regardless of my behavior. Every time I used cigarettes or marijuana, I would say, “Thank You, Father, that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!” I quit trying to quit, and decided that His grace was enough for me!

One day, several months ago, I was set free from both! I didn’t try to quit; it just happened. My heavenly Father has completely taken the desire away from me. Even when I am in public and exposed to others who are smoking, I still have no desire to do the same! Even right now, thinking about this great freedom I have to cry, and cry out, “My Father is SO faithful!”

Thank you so much for daring to speak the truth. I’m sure it’s not easy sometimes, but I am so grateful that Christ, through your ministry, has set me free! I now have my family, who are involved in prison ministry, listening to and reading your materials. I myself am now part of this prison ministry, and write letters containing the truth to those behind bars. It’s time for the captives to be set free in the name of Jesus!

Thanks again! I love you, your family and your ministry! Shalom!

Iowa, United States
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