Praise Report

Relationship With Son Restored After Receiving Grace

I was a believer for a long time but was very frustrated in my Christian walk because I was not living a victorious life.

I was angry at the church, angry at God and questioning what this life in Jesus Christ was about. I was also angry with my family, particularly my son for his rebellious behaviour. I asked God why all these things were happening when I am in the body of Christ. According to the teaching I’d received, everything was supposed to be smooth going.

It so happened that I’d lost my job during that period and had more time on my hands. So every day, I started taking early morning walks and pouring my heart out to God. I told Him how frustrated I was and asked Him to show me where I’d gone wrong. I also told Him that I couldn’t love my son for what he was. I asked God to love my son because even though I couldn’t, I know He could.

I gave Him all my anger and started to see improvement in those areas I had struggled with. I told God I just wanted to live the life Jesus came to give me, because I didn’t believe Jesus went through the horrible death for me to live a defeated life.

Shortly after that, I was talking to one of my friends and told her I would visit her in Atlanta Georgia if I could find a cheap plane ticket. That same day, I received an email for a supersaver fare and so I was able to buy a plane ticket and go visit her.

While there, I picked up a book she owned titled, Destined To Reign Devotional, by Joseph Prince. One of the devotionals that had to do with healing and trusting God just jumped off the page at me. I made a copy of that page and brought it home with me.

I ended up ordering a copy of the devotional book from Joseph Prince Ministries online. While at the website, I saw the book, Destined To Reign, with a familiar looking cover. I realized I already had a copy of that book and so I searched my house and found it in a drawer. My friend from Atlanta Georgia had sent me the book two years ago! However, I was so frustrated and angry at that time that I didn’t read it.

Well, I thank God for not letting me donate that book to charity because I began reading it and realized that I was not leading a victorious Christian life because I was living under a mixture of law and grace. I couldn’t see that my success was already wrapped up in what Jesus had accomplished.

I began learning to keep my eyes on His finished work and to rely on Him for the kingdom life. Some symptoms I was experiencing in my body disappeared after I’d learned that I am healed through Christ Jesus!

I am thankful to Joseph Prince for teaching me grace, that it’s all about Jesus and His finished work. I had never heard anyone teach me the grace of our Lord Jesus and the love given to us by Father God through the finished work of Jesus, or understood what living a new creation life in Christ Jesus was.

Through Joseph’s ministry, I learned that it’s not my trying to believe or my trying to be good to earn God’s grace. It’s a free gift and my response is always, “Thank You, Father God, for loving me so much, and giving me this abundance of Your grace and the free gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ.”

Thank you, Pastor Joseph Prince, for your boldness and obedience in teaching the grace of our Lord Jesus radically. It has changed my focus to see Jesus’ love and finished work. My heart’s desire is to be the light in the world, representing Jesus in spirit and in truth, and to be transformed into His image by the Holy Spirit living from the inside out!

Oh by the way, my relationship with my son is wonderful now. It has been restored because I allowed Father God to love him and now, I always see my son through His eyes.

God bless you, Joseph Prince!

Texas, United States
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