Praise Report

Rested In God, Received Unexpected Promotion

Pastor Prince, I went through a challenging time at work a year ago. I was treated unfairly and overlooked for promotion. I felt so frustrated that I wanted to quit.

One day, I turned on the television and saw your program on Trinity Broadcasting Network. You were preaching a sermon series titled, God At Work And You At Rest. It was just the message I needed to hear. After your program, I said to God, “Okay, I trust You.”

I got hold of that sermon series on album and went on a week-long vacation trip to Jamaica with my husband. While we were there, I took a picture by a beach that turned out to look very much like the picture on the album’s cover. Then, I prayed and asked God to have His way in my life and do His good work in me as I continued to rest in Him. After that, I felt a sudden peace within—something I’d never experienced before.

I rested two more days after my vacation. Upon my return to work, I found out that a change in management had occurred while I was away, leading to the new arrangement. My director was leaving the organization. Because of that, her role was split into two positions and I was promoted to manager. Praise God! He had indeed been working on my behalf as I simply rested in Him!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for boldly preaching the Word of God and teaching me how to have real confidence in my heavenly Father. My faith in God continues to grow every day as I keep listening to your messages. I am forever grateful for your ministry. Please keep preaching and may God bless you!

Massachusetts, United States
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